Date Night Vintage style

27 Nov

Soo Vintage fair is here.. If you are still debating on going.. STOP it is awesome. Lots of stores spread out with goodies galore! Check out some information here: There is a sim map with slurls, I had to use them two times for some to get to the store and not just the Landing Point. SO if your getting stuck. Try that. Or just wander around and check it all out!

Most of The items today can be found at the Vintage Fair, Asterisk Beside it shows it was purchased at the Fair!

Dress: PaperDoll *

Cardigan Riddle *

Hair: Shag

Skin: Mother Goose

Glasses Tres Blah

Necklace: Glow *

Shoes Slink

HairBow: AMD *

Look 2:

Skin Illusory Collabor88

Lingerie: Milk Motion*

Hair Shag *

Shoes Slink

bed and poses Glitterati

Candles: Lisp

Home: Poetica Mystic!

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